Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Watch Out, Air Force!

Yesterday my oldest brother (Stretch) left for Air Force Basic Training. He's been trying to get into their officer program for a while now, and things kept getting messed up and not working out. So he enlisted and is trying to get in that way. His program is airborne linguistics, meaning they'll teach him a language or five and he gets to fly around the world eavesdropping on terrorists. Something like that anyway:) So yeah, he left yesterday. It's amazingly quiet around here now! Minus Padre, of course, who is about as quiet as an elephant stampede.
Stretch is all kinds of excited. His career is going somewhere, like it or not! He's been working as an intern for an online news source for a while now, but there's a hiring freeze, so they couldn't offer him a real job. Bummer. He did get quoted on Hannity & Colmes one time though. That was pretty sweet.
So pray for Stretch - that he doesn't get recycled in Basic, that he studies like he should in tech school afterward, good testimony, etc.

And pray for the Air Force - they have no idea what they're in for :)


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