Well I happen to live in an area hit by the Snowpacalypse on the east coast this weekend. It's good times, lemme tell ya. Especially if you're a...err...summer baby, shall we say.
In other words, I passionately hate cold, winter, and especially snow.
Now then. We got about a foot last weekend, which did the melt-freeze-melt-freeze thing all week, only to have another foot dumped on us Friday and Saturday. The real fun began when we lost power at about 9am on Saturday. Let me add at this point that my dad is obsessed with the woodstove. We've had one since I was five, and he loves it. We love the heat. Not the mess. But we deal with it for the lovely heat it puts out. So We have a woodstove. Which came in really handy when we lost power yesterday. We did not, however, have water. Bummer! So we went and checked on the elderly neighbors all down the street, while Padre and the brothers went to cut trees. There was so much ice and snow on the trees that a lot of them had fallen across the street. And we were NOT getting stuck in there where a snowplow couldn't get to us. So Padre and the boys went to cut them all down - total: over 30 trees they cut and dragged into the woods. The Mother Ship and I heated soup on the woodstove. Then the boys and I went to the neighbor's house to get water (they have a generator). After bringing back almost 20 gallons, Padre let us quit. Sweet. It got darker. I solved a Rubick's cube for the first time in my life. Kept getting darker. I crocheted my nephew mittens (he's 8 1/2 months...it only took me an hour). By this time it's totally dark. Padre and the Mother Ship decide we're having hot dogs for dinner. But the grill bottle is frozen and won't open. So we put foil on the woodstove and cooked them on there. Yesssssss. All by candlelight, I might add. Those boys are never going to mock my sweet-smelling candles ever again. :D Then, having nothing else to do, but it only being 6:30 at night, we had a family rummy tournament by candlelight. But the Mother Ship couldn't see the other end of the table, so every time someone did something, she shined a flashlight on their spot. LOL. Anyway, we did that till about 9:00, and then we all went to bed out of boredom. And slept terribly, because we didn't have our white-noise makers - our fans. Which run on electricity. It was almost comical. I decided I could either laugh or cry, so I laughed.
This morning we woke up to no electricity again. We went to the neighbor's for drinking water. The boys went out to cut more trees. The Mother Ship and I melted snow for still more water. We read our Bibles for a couple hours. I cleaned my room and dusted the living room. Finished my fourth book since Thursday. Considered using duct tape to get the crap off my carpet. Decided not to.
The real reason I was bummed about no power wasn't the lack of vacuum. Or lack of shower. It was that my favorite football team, the Indianapolis Colts, are playing in the Superbowl tonight, and I was going to miss it. SICK, PEOPLE, SICK. So I prayed. Hey, you have not because you ask not, right? So I asked. What could it hurt? And no lie, ten minutes later, the power came back on. And I immediately thought, Well dude, shoulda prayed yesterday, ya moron!
God is pretty funny sometimes.
But kickoff is in 10 minutes. And I get to see it.
Praise the Lord.
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Gut reaction: ready, set, GO!