"Do what's right for you." "It's my body." "It's just a clump of cells."
I became involved in the pro-life movement through my younger sister in my freshman year of college. I modeled t-shirts for American Life League and helped plan the first-ever candlelight vigil for abortion victims at my school. Participated in pro-life memorial day, and helped found one of the first college pro-life clubs in my state. For what? What's a young woman doing being pro-life anyway? Isn't that sort of, you know, backwards?
Well, no.
Here's why life is the right choice for women. First of all, let's run with the 80s feminist theology for a minute or two. I am a woman. I have the right to do whatever I want with my body. Hey, if I want to sleep with a different guy every night of the week, it's none of your business. Guys do it to girls, so let's give it right back to 'em! Women have been sexually oppressed for way too long. Let's let it loose, girls! And if I get pregnant, I'll just have an abortion. No big deal, I mean it's just a clump of cells. And it's a totally painless procedure anyway. Nothing's getting me down - women are finally breaking free!
Somehow, that just sounds so unfulfilling to me. Here's why it's wrong for women.
1. We're just wired differently from men. Basic scientific fact. Our brains are created to release a hormone during intimacy which also triggers feelings of love. Women physically can't separate sex from love. It's impossible. If a woman tells you she can, she's lying. It's actually impossible. So when a woman sleeps around, she's not only setting herself up for major heartbreak, but she's also overloading the brain with dangerously high hormone levels. So a woman might sleep with a guy she doesn't really care for, and then wonder why she suddenly wants to see him again. It's the way we're made.
2. When we buy into the whole "sexual liberation" idea, we end up agreeing with men that sex is no big deal --> meaning women are, in fact, just sex objects. It's not like you should have sex with someone you...uh...care about, right? Wrong, actually. See #1.
3. Withholding sex before marriage actually empowers women. Think about it. He wants it. You've got it. Man up and marry her. If he's not that into you, you've protected yourself by not giving it up, and if he's really into you, he'll marry you. Guys aren't afraid of commitment with a woman they're really into. (Read that book, "He's Not That Into You." It's great.) Sleeping with a guy before you're married to him says he doesn't have to commit to you to get some. And can someone explain to me why we would want that?
4. It's all about respect. I respect myself waaaaaaay too much to give it up before I'm married. I'm not arrogant, I just think enough of myself as a human being to wait. It's something that's really special to me! Why would I hand it over like it's no big deal? Waiting says A) I respect myself, B) You better respect me too, and C) Man up and marry me or you don't get it. Among other things. Let's not beat around the bush here. I'm not God's gift to the planet, but I'm pretty darn special (ask my Daddy) and if you want me, marry me. It's that simple, boys.
5. Abortion is a big deal. Only idiot feminazis still tell girls it's "just a procedure." No, it's not. It's a really big deal. And for the record, post-abortive women will tell you that it's extremely painful. And they don't drug you up for it. You're doing it commando. Not only that, over half of women who have an abortion regret it, in addition to experiencing the awful aftermath of guilt, depression, anger, and in some cases, suicide. Infertility is becoming more prevalent in post-abortive women. Post-partum depression is more common in post-abortive women. Isn't this enough? Even if you still aren't convinced there's a baby there, aren't the effects on you enough to convince you this isn't the right choice? And! If a doctor tries to tell you that you have to have an abortion to save your life, he's lying. George Tiller himself stated that abortion would never save a woman's life. If you can't take his word for it, you're hurting.
Wake up, girls! This feminist agenda has gone far enough! Fight back! This is the wrong choice for our generation. Say NO, respect yourself, and wait. It's so worth it.
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