Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Gutsy Tim Tebow

Oh, Tim Tebow. They love you, they hate you, they freak out over a commercial.

Alright, I admit - I'm a huge Tebow fan. No, the guy can't throw. And he can't take a snap from center (WHAT THE HECK???). But I'm a fan. Because in the midst of all the Michael Vicks and Plaxico Burruss' of football world, Tim Tebow not only stands up for what he believes, but does it with class. Whatever you think of his positions, the man has guts. And I respect that.

Take the eye black, for example.
He regularly puts Bible verse references in his eye black, including a recent Hebrews 12:1, which reads, "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees."
Appropriate for football, don't you think?
Or try this one: Romans 1:16: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."
Yeah, I'll say.

Or try on for size his recent Superbowl ad, featuring a pro-family message from his mom, where she talks about being concerned for his health. Somehow this is considered "extremely offensive" by the National Organization for Women. I can't figure out how, but maybe that's because I actually watched the ad (they admitted before making that statement they hadn't seen the ad). The boy loves his mom. And he said at a press conference that he's pro-life. Interesting statement in a sports world where most athletes are pro-steroids.

The real kicker for the media was when they asked Tebow at a press conference if he was "saving himself for marriage." Tebow didn't blink. "Yes, I am," he replied. The room fell silent, only broken by a few snickers from reporters. Tebow burst out laughing. "I think y'all are stunned right now!" he said. "You can't even ask a question!" They were far more embarrassed than he was.

So-called women's rights groups are calling him a chauvinist, saying he's trying to take away a woman's right to choose, proselytizing, and forcing his beliefs on others.
First they complain men are jerks, and then when a guy has character, they slam him for it. Men can't win with those kinds of women.

All I have to say is, "Hey Tim, are you single?"


P.S. Unfortunately, he's not. Darn it.

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