Monday, February 1, 2010

Only for the Unemployed

I'm traveling to Hong Kong this summer.

To travel, you need a passport.

My last passport expired a year ago. So I need a new one. So the Mother Ship says, "You should go down the post office. It's where we got Moose's passport last year. But call first because I think you have to make an appointment." Ok, no big deal. I call the post office. Our conversation went like this:

Me: Hi, I need to apply for a passport - do I need an appointment?
PO lady: yes, passports are by appointment only.
Me: When are those hours?
PO lady: between 10 and 11 am, Monday through Friday, but we're full until February 16th.
Me: Are you kidding me?
PO lady: Uh, no ma'am.
Me: You have ONE HOUR a day, and none on the weekends?
PO lady: Uh, yes ma'am.
Me: Please tell your supervisor that's REALLY FREAKING STUPID. I have a JOB, and it's not like I can just take a day off in this economy. Plus I'm a TEACHER. We have to show up every day! I know you don't make these rules, but please tell whoever does that this is IDIOTIC.
PO lady: I sure will ma'am. (Proceeds to explain to me why they only have one hour a day IN THE MORNING, when people are at WORK.)
Me: It's still stupid.
PO lady: Yes ma'am. I'll let him know.
Me: Thank you.

At this point, I started calling every post office within twenty miles of me. And there are ten. I finally found one, forty minutes away, that is going to let me get a passport today. Lovely.

What on earth is that even about? One hour a day? And they're ALL like that! So only the unemployed can get a passport? Because the rest of us have to, you know, SHOW UP for work. Grrrrr.

I think they must find the stupidest people in America and have them work for the government. Am I the only one who thinks this is really incredibly stupid?


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