Saturday, April 10, 2010

This Week's Random Dozen

Labels: Random Dozen

1. Define a great relationship.

I'm going to take the man-woman relationship vein here. It's one that's based on knowing each other's character, trust, and above all, a love for God.

2. Why is it called a "drive-through" if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?)

Because the same person named driveways, where you park. And the last thing I got from a drive-through was Chick-fil-a fries, I think. Delish.

3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs ... what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.)

Scotties or Yorkies. Scotties are less yappy, so that's what I think I'll have. Actually it's always been a dream of mine (since I saw Lady and the Tramp at age 6) to have a Scottie and name it Jacque. It's happening someday.

4. If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move?

South Carolina, Alabama, or Texas. They're all warm and have good food and good music.

5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

I would make my parents not forget the stuff they used to spank us for when I was little. My little brother gets away with EVERYTHING.

6. Who's the funniest person you know?

My sister Abbie. She's like a 20-year-old Lucille Ball. That child can make me laugh any time of day or night. Take her latest facebook status: "I hate math with the burning passion of a thousand suns."

7. Did you get enough sleep last night?

Nope. Stupid sun insists on coming up at 6 even during spring break. The nerve.

8. What's the first thing you thought about this morning?

How to shut off the alarm.

9. Grilled or Fried? --HONESTLY

Fried. Heck yeah.

10. Are you afraid of the dark?

"When shadows fall/And the night covers all/There are things that my eyes cannot see
I'll never fear/For the Savior is near/My Lord abides with me!
How can I fear?/Jesus is near!/He ever watches over me
Worries all cease/He gives me peace/How can I fear with Jesus?"
- Ron Hamilton

11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was four, I was going to be a ballerina. Then when I was ten, it changed and stayed the same - a mommy/missionary/superhero. I just gotta find Superman now.

12. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would you choose?


C'mon now, join me. Do the Random Dozen.


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Gut reaction: ready, set, GO!