Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oh, Padre.

My Padre is so funny sometimes. He gets so upset when I don't leave the keys to my car where they're SUPPOSED to be (on top of our dog's travel crate/bed) but does he ever leave his keys there? Why, no, of course not. This morning was the second time in a week he's parked behind me in the driveway and then not left before me like he usually does. So I have to move his car. But he doesn't tell me this. So I leave on time, but - oh, gotta move the car. Except I can't find the keys. He can't remember where they are if he leaves them on the dog's crate. But when he's looking for MY keys, he knows exactly where they are. And if I leave two minutes later than I normally do, I get stuck behind a school bus on my two-lane road that goes all. the. way. to my school. *grr*


Thankfully, I have a mother who not only knows where he leaves his keys, even though it's in a different place every time. And helped me move the car this morning.

I love Padre. But sometimes I would like to grab him by the ears and ask him, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE LIKE??"


I'm going to find his keys NOW, before I have to leave in the morning.


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Gut reaction: ready, set, GO!