Monday, March 22, 2010

The Wife Hunt, AKA Singles Conference

Oh singles conferences. Fun and awkwardness all at once. I mean it was pretty fun. The preaching was great, and the games were fun MINUS the one where we had to roll ourselves across the gym floor lying on a wheeled cart. In skirts. Propelled by a plunger. It would have been hilarious had I been wearing pants.
Friday night we ate dinner and socialized, good times had by all. I was sitting at a table with Abbie and friends Hope, Lara, and Joyelle, when a young man . . . we'll call him Awkward Eric, came over and sat down right. next. to. me. Bubble invasion, anyone? And was he ever woman-hunting. He grilled me (nicely) about my personal life, while talking to almost no one else. Abbie he spoke to twice I think.

*awkward turtle hands*

He also gave me a short history of the Life of Eric. And by "short" I mean about 45 minutes. I was never so glad to have to throw my trash away. Then when we went in to hear the preaching he sat down right next to my mom. Dude, could you BE more weird? He's sitting right in the middle of our group there! Took one of our guys' seats! It was a very, very awkward situation. Maybe you just had to be there. When we got home late that night Abbie said, "Wow, he was interested in YOU." Haha, Ab, haha.
Saturday we went back and heard more awesome preaching, sang some songs, and ate a delicious brunch. After the second preaching session, we played some lovely games, one of which I already mentioned. We also played this game where everyone had two numbers in their hands (1-10, and you'd only have two of them) and then the leader would call out a really long number (or math problem) and your team had to work together to make the answer. Craziness. It was pretty fun though. And then we played the Cat in the Hat game. This is probably the greatest game every invented. Everyone sits in chairs in a big circle, and you are dubbed Mother, Fish, or Sally. I was Sally. Then the Dr. Seuss book, The Cat in the Hat, is read over the microphone, and every time he reads "mother," all the people dubbed "mother" must get up and switch seats. Except there's one too few, so someone always gets stuck in the middle, and that gets bad points for your team. It works the same way with Fish and Sally, but when the reader reads "the Cat in the Hat" (the phrase) everyone must get up and switch seats. It's so far beyond hysterical. Mom always watches because she doesn't want to get hurt. I only ran over two guys. Heehee:) I thoroughly enjoyed that. After the games I talked with a couple other very nice people, and then we went home. It was lovely minus the awkward wife-hunting people.

Have you ever been to a singles conference? How did you feel about it?



  1. Isn't that the goal of a singles conference though? To get people to mix and aid in the search for their future spouse?

    That being said, there is a right way to approach it and everything but don't knock the over aggressive awkward guy for pursuing you. At the very least you should be relieved that men are noticing you. Some girls never get noticed at all and they conjure up all sorts of reasons why they are presumably "undesirable". You at least don't have to worry about any of that.

  2. This is true...he was nice anyway:)


Gut reaction: ready, set, GO!