Sunday, March 14, 2010

DST, the Bane of Modern Society

Or, why the Amish got it right.

I hate daylight savings time. With. A. Passion. I mean, really, what is the point of screwing up our sleep patterns twice a year? Because someone thought that makes us more productive at work? Huh? I bet it was invented by some super-peppy morning person, who gets up every day before five with no coffee and is all perky and happy. Jerk.
Now I used to live in Amish country, and lemme tell you what, they're weird. But the one thing they do have right is they don't bother with daylight savings time. It's called "slow time." It makes way more sense, if you ask me. Have you ever stopped to think about why we do this? It's kind of dumb.
Oh well. I've ranted. Now I'll suck it up for another year.

Do you like daylight savings time? Why or why not? Or do you live in "slow time," like I did?


1 comment:

  1. I don't really care for either change. I'd rather be like Arizona where the time stays the same. You just adjust for the seasons as you go through the year.


Gut reaction: ready, set, GO!