This weekend I'm going to a singles' conference. I'm really only going because Padre is the Sunday School teacher and it would look bad on him if his own daughter didn't go. Plus our class never does anything because we're all lame and either work-a-holics or study constantly. I know.
Pfft! Who
does that? So anyway, I'm going. The preacher is going to be really good I know - he came to our church assembly in the fall for scheduled revival. (don't get me started on that one. *eyeroll*) But he's a great preacher.
I rambled through all of that to say: these things are usually quite awkward. Because it's like spiritual activity for the spouse-seeking. That didn't sound as awkward as it feels. Do you know what I mean, though? Like "let's all get together and hear great preaching and try to get dates while we're at it. It's just weird. But I think some of the awkwardness (or maybe a lot of it) comes from the fact that at my age (the ripe old age of young twenty-something) people feel weird about being single. Like there's something wrong with them. Well. I sure don't! Not yet, anyway, LOL. I'm just so busy I don't feel weird about it. Do I wish I was dating/courting/call it what you will? Heck yes I do! But only if it's the right man! Otherwise it's a waste of my all-too-scarce time. Here's the thing. I think when you're single you shouldn't just wait around for God to drop a spouse in your lap. I mean, if you're looking, great! But get busy serving God. If he can't trust you as a Christian before you're married, how can he trust you with a husband or wife? Here's what I'm up to in my singleness:
Working full time at a school - teaching orchestra and general music
Working in the church youth group, and chaperoning their activities
Teen girls' accountability sponsor - I set up accountability partners with them and check on them every Sunday
Singing and playing violin/piano in church
Teaching four private violin students
Preparing to go to graduate school in the fall
Reading all about why the KJV is the real Bible ;)
Practicing violin again after a year off for hand issues
Prepping to go to Hong Kong on a summer-long missions trip
Planning for my budget once my income drops drastically in the fall (heh heh...heh...heh...)
And probably other things I haven't thought of. It's a lot. My point is that I'm not sitting around like a wilting wallflower waiting for Prince Charming to come along. I'm busy. And if you're interested in me, you'll have to get busy too. See, I want to marry a man with purpose, and I figure the best way to do that is to have a purpose myself. And in less spiritual terms, I'm just plain type-A and I can't stand being bored. :D But singleness isn't awkward for me because while I'm waiting for my husband, I'm not
just waiting. I'm getting ready. I'm putting a lot of energy into
life. That way I'll be ready to put all that energy into my marriage and children instead of having practiced being lazy for years. Make sense?
What are you doing to prepare to be a husband or wife?