Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wanted: Marriage

     A while back I watched (the new version of) Pride and Prejudice. It is seriously one of my favorite movies. I know, typical woman. Deal with it. But at the end of the movie they did this interview with a historian about that time period, and she said something kind of interesting. She said that back then the most culturally acceptable thing for a young woman to do was act like she didn't want a husband at all, when in fact she really did. A LOT. And that got me thinking. It's actually the same way now. It is so not acceptable to act like you want to get married - people will call you "desperate." But didn't God create us to want that? Reread Genesis chapter 2 if you don't think so. So why is acting like we're made the way God really made us "desperate?" And it's worse for women (IMO) because we're not "supposed" to initiate anything, but of course we really want to get married, so what's a girl to do? Especially when men are lying down on the job where leadership is concerned!
     So here's what I think. I think God values marriage. Scratch that, I know God values marriage. I think he roots for us to get together, and sometimes even orchestrates it himself. I think God created men to be the initiators. And I am not going to pretend I don't want to get married in that 1882 kind of way anymore. I do, actually. But I want someone who can lead me. I'm not talking about the super-commanding, always-in-charge, I-am-leader-hear-me-roar type of guy, I just mean someone who knows who he is, knows his God, and is willing to lead our family. And homeschool. And read the KJV. And preferably is taller than me. :)

**side note: I have heard men complain about women "pushing" in relationships. If you guys aren't going to step it up and lead, don't complain when the women do so. I don't condone that, but come on.**

     So enough with the "desperate" accusations already. Marriage is awesome, from what I've heard, so why wouldn't we want it? Let's just be honest. I'll start. How's that?


1 comment:

  1. I couldn't think of anything important to say, but I figured i'd let you know I read this posting. An empty comment is better than no comment right?


Gut reaction: ready, set, GO!