Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Praying for Mr. Right/Miss Right

     I have been praying for my future husband for a couple of years now. Not for me to get him, but for him. I figure he's about my age, probably a little older or maybe even younger, who knows. He's probably either in college still or just starting out in business.
     So I pray for him. I pray that God would use him to win lost souls for Jesus. I pray that he would be blessed in school or his job, whichever it is, and that God would give him wisdom and understanding. I pray that God would keep him from evil and cause him to study and love the Bible. And sometimes I do ask God to hurry up *wink* but I really do want the Lord's timing. I know for me, I want to already be in the habit of praying for my man whenever God brings us together, so I'm trying to get started now:)    
     And what's cool is the Lord puts things on my heart sometimes to pray specifically about, and I know He's just letting me know about things that my special guy needs at that moment or in that day. For instance, one time I felt impressed by the Lord to pray for my guy's safety, and it was like that all day long. So I prayed. And I'm sure the Lord was protecting him from something, although I have no idea what it was. Another time I really felt that I should pray for God to give him wisdom about a situation, whatever it might be. So I did. And what's really amazing is that I get the biggest blessing from praying for my man. I don't even know his name yet. But it's so fun because I know I get to be his help meet now, before we even know each other! I've been working on that whole "doing her husband good and not evil ALL the days of her life" thing from Proverbs 31.

I don't say all this to toot my own horn (beep beep! haha just kidding!!), but as a challenge to people my age. So! *drumroll*

I challenge you to start today and pray for your future spouse. Pray for whatever you think they need. Wisdom, safety, health, God's blessing, or anything else that comes to mind. You'll be amazed by the blessing you get from praying for him or her. So try it! Make it your New Year's Resolution if you want to!



  1. What made you start praying for your future spouse? Was it a challenge you received?

  2. No, I was just reading my Bible one morning and that verse in Proverbs 31 stuck out to me about the virtuous woman doing her husband good and not evil all the days of her life. I started thinking about how that was possible if I didn't even know the guy yet, and the first thing I came up with was praying for him.

  3. Has reading that passage inspired you to do other things to prepare to be a wife?

  4. Well yeah, I mean it says "She considereth a field and buyeth it." So I've been working on praying and considering things more before making big moves in my life (like grad school). It also says "She strengtheneth her arms" so I exercise:) It's not the hyper-spiritual, unattainable ultimate that people act like it is. It's actually a very practical guide to being a good woman.


Gut reaction: ready, set, GO!