Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Post #150!

     Yay for keeping a blog going! It's hard to find time to do it but so far it's working out. So! For blog number 150, I'm going to talk about fashion. Yes, fashion.

     Christians, especially homeschooled Christians, act like what we wear either doesn't matter or shouldn't. I mean, God looks at the heart right? Everything else is just shallow and superficial. Here's the problem with that. The same verse that says God looks at the heart also says man looks on the outward appearance. (I Sam. 16:7 in case you were wondering) I'm all for looking at someone's heart, but the fact is that people judge you by your outward appearance. And you know what? You do it too. Before you start screaming about how you're not judgmental like that (and for the record, Jesus was/is judgmental), imagine this:

      You're in Wal-Mart and you notice a kid walking toward you. He has long, stringy black hair, 4-6 piercings in each ear, two studs in his lip, and one in his eyebrow. His clothes are baggy and all black, and he has a chain or two swinging from his pockets.

Now tell me you didn't just judge that kid.

You did, and you know it.

     You probably thought something like, "What a freak." Or, "Why do people dress like that? That's so weird." Or maybe, "What kind of lousy parents does he have?"

     What you wear matters, plain and simple. If you dress like a slob, what does that say about your heart? If you wear tight, barely-there, immodest clothes (this goes for guys AND girls, considering the trend in guys' clothes these days), what does that say about the Savior you claim to know?

     It says he doesn't make much of a difference. And if he doesn't make a difference, who cares? Why bother with this whole Christianity thing anyway?

     I'm not saying you need to wear heels or a tie to go grocery shopping, but you should clean up and wear clothes that fit and look halfway decent. Baggy is not the same as modestly loose-fitting, ladies. Lose the grunge, guys. Dress like you belong to the King of Kings, or stop saying that you know him, because it gives him a bad reputation when you look trashy and sloppy and you claim his name. The Bible says to "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (I Thess. 5:22) That includes what you wear.

That's my two cents, anyway.


1 comment:

  1. I agree, all extremes along fashion lines, from immodest, to ultra conservative, give a bad name to any christian who don them.


Gut reaction: ready, set, GO!