Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shopping Adventures

Today we went shopping with the Artist and her friend Kim. What's really cool about Kim is she can do the whole Hannah Montana dance from the movie. Oh yes. And she's 18...or maybe 19. Something like that. And incredibly secure about being able to do the Hannah Montana dance. Yes.

So we met halfway between the Artist's college and home, and shopped at a very cool mall there. We tried our hardest to talk the Mother Ship into getting something for herself, but she didn't. In the Artist's words, our mother is the worst shopper on the planet. Not because she buys bad things, but because she doesn't buy anything. *sigh* We tried.

So the Artist got a very cute bag, a shirt that looks like a picnic tablecloth (it looks good on her), and something else that I can't remember.

I got a really cute pair of earrings. I'd put up a picture, but blogger is being stupid and won't let me. Grr.

And in other news, I'm looking to replace my sad, old, Jurassic-era laptop before grad school, and I'm contemplating getting a Mac. I've had a PC forever, so I'm a little unsure. Plus the price difference is, sorta...huge. But I think I might be ready to try a computer that's not frustrating every single day. Just a thought. So what's your opinion? Mac or PC?

And now, I'm very very tired and trying not to be irritable, so I'm going to sleep. Have a lovely Sunday tomorrow.


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