Sunday, January 31, 2010

Book Review - girls really need to read this

I just finished reading "For Women Only," by Shaunti Feldhahn. It's written to women about how men think - mostly as a result of a detailed survey Shaunti took of over four hundred different men. It was an eye-opener, to say the least. Almost every page I was thinking, Wait, they really think that? It's pretty incredible. It explains, in men's words, things like

- Why love and respect are essentially the same to him
- Why he doesn't just want to provide, he needs to - and likes it that way
- What "men are visual" means in real life, and how women can help them
- Why the way we look matters to them

And soooooo much more than that. The real kicker is that they think we already know all that stuff. Maybe because we act like we know how men think. Well. Let me tell you, if you think you know, read this book and you'll be mentally kicking yourself for some of the things you've unwittingly thought, said, or done. I know I did. So.

For Women Only, by Shaunti Feldhahn. The teen version is For Young Women Only, same author. Read them - they're both fantastic books.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Understatement of the Year

I checked this afternoon to see the forecast for tonight, and it said "snow likely."

We have eight inches.

Geniuses work at


Friday, January 29, 2010

And! Just adding to the last post! Plenty of couples love each other and think it's ok to sleep together before they're married! But Christians shouldn't be doing that, so what the heck kind of standard is that, anyway???

Do what's right.


Why I'm Waiting

Yesterday, a girl I know was celebrating her "anniversary" (note the quotation marks) of one year with her boyfriend. I use quotation marks around anniversary because I think it's really stupid and you can't have an anniversary until you're married. *eyeroll* Anyway, another person commented on said girl's facebook status and told her to give the BF a big hug and a kiss. To which I replied, "NOOOOOO!!! KISSING IS FOR MARRIED PEOPLE!!!" I meant it to be a little silly (even though I really believe that) because I knew she wouldn't care what I thought. Instead of taking it that way, she snapped back, "Actually, kissing is for anyone who wishes to do so, like a couple who love each other and believe it's ok." Well. Ok then. Excuse me for making you feel guilty.

But like I said, I really do believe you should wait until you're married to kiss, and here's why.
1. You ought to wait because you love him. Kissing is part of sex. It just is. And if you don't think so, you must be missing your sex drive or something. And I don't know an honest man in the world who would tell you that he's not turned on by kissing a girl. And if you're a Christian girl, you ought to do everything you can to help your man say pure before God. How can you say you love him when you're provoking him to sin? How unloving.
2. You ought to wait because he's worth it. News Flash: it wasn't meant to stop at a kiss. And if he's not worth waiting for, what are you doing dating him?
3. You ought to wait because kissing is a big deal. It's not just a kiss. It's the beginning of two becoming one, and if you're not married, you have no right to be starting that.

In addition to all of this, I have what I call a "very special" list, and a "no big deal" list. On the "no big deal" list are things like high fives, Facebook, and occasional emails. On the "very special" list are things like sex, kissing, and him putting his arm around me. I want that "very special" list to be as long as possible, because my relationship with my husband is going to be like no other. It's going to be wonderful. Amazing. Stunning. I want him to know when he marries me that he's getting everything. I don't even hold hands with other guys! I want him to know that he's my first and only for everything. He's the only one I'll say "I love you" to, the only one I'll hold hands with, the only one I lean on watching a movie...all the so-called little stuff. Because he's worth the wait, to me.

Someday, I'm going to come back here and let him read this, and look him in the eye and say, yes, you are worth waiting for.

Because he is.

I love him.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Random Dozen!

1. How good are you at delaying gratification?
It depends. If we're talking apple pie here, not so good. Other stuff...I just tell myself I don't need it and walk away.

2. Maybe a marshmallow wouldn't be too difficult a temptation for you. What food (or anything else) would be most tempting?
See #1.

3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being saintly) how patient are you?
Driving, like a 3. I can't stand stupid drivers. With kids, um...6? I'm working on it:P

4. Have you ever waited for something in life only to be disappointed upon realization of the goal/object/etc.?
Not that I can think of right this second.

5. Are you a person who takes shortcuts?
No, I just don't do stuff. Like makeup. Instead of doing the "five-minute face" I just don't wear any at all. I have way too much to do.

6. Which line is hardest to wait in?
The dinner line.

7. Did you wait to discover the gender of your unborn child until its birth?
I don't have kids yet, but I plan on finding out. The whole "surprise" thing just doesn't do anything for me.

8. Are you more patient with children or the elderly?
Definitely with kids. It's not their fault they're trained to be bratty - it's their parents' faults. The elderly, on the other hand, have no excuses. Suck it up.

9. Did you ever sneak a peek at a present?
No, but I told my sister what she got for her tenth birthday (Care Bear roller skates) once. And only once because I got a world-class spanking for that.

10. What is the longest you've ever waited for anything?
Twenty-one and a half years - for my husband. I'm still waiting and not getting the least bit impatient. He's worth it.

11. Who has more patience, you or your significant other?
Don't have a sig-o, but I'm sure he'll be more patient than me. I'm not the best at that.

12. Which of the following songs about waiting is your pick for the best? (OK, you may substitute another, if you like.)

A) Anticipation by Carly Simon
B) The Waiting by Tom Petty
C) Right Here Waiting for You by Richard Marx
D) Wait for Me by Rebecca St. James

D. I pray every day for my husband to be patient and wait for me like I've waited for him.

Enough random things about me? You should do the random dozen too:)


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is the Part They Don't Tell You About In College

I'm feeling rather sad lately. As my profile says, I'm a teacher, and I work at a middle school teaching orchestra and general music. Today, my second student was referred to the principal for drug possession. Yes, at a middle school. On top of that, I've reported two cases of abuse and one self-inflicted harm - cutting. I have a very heavy heart today. Where are the moms and dads? How can they not know - or worse, not care? A student told me today that one of her friends cut herself because a guy was pressuring her to have sex. A fourteen-year-old! What is wrong with this world? These are kids!
So this is what they don't tell you in college. They tell you about teaching methods, classroom management, special ed, and fundraising, but not this. They don't tell you about how your heart breaks for the little girl missing her daddy because he left her and her mom alone. They don't tell you about the boy who doesn't want to join a gang but is afraid he'll get hurt if he doesn't. Or about the girl who has such low self-esteem that she'll do anything to get her mom's attention, including hurt herself. They left out those parts. This is what makes teaching so hard.
So would you pray for my students? They don't come from good neighborhoods, and it's tough to stay out of trouble. It's hard to get good grades living out of a car. Please pray for them.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Immigration Policies Compared

I try to ignore the government as much as possible, but sometimes things really get to me. I didn't write this comparison, but I think it's accurate.

If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor.

If you cross the Iranian border you are detained indefinitely.

If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot.

If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.

If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be hear from again.

If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.

If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.

Yet if you cross the US border illegally you get:
A job
A driver's license
Social Security card
Food stamps
Credit cards
Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house
Free education
Free health care
A lobbyist in Washington
Billions of dollars worth of public documents printed in your language
And the right to carry your country's flag while you protest that you don't get enough respect.

Ok, I just wanted to make sure I had a firm grasp on the situation.

Makes you think, doesn't it?


Sunday, January 24, 2010

The promised granola recipe

This is my sister's granola recipe. It's amazing. You'll never buy pre-fab granola again if you make this one time.

Deb's Granola

4 1/2 cups rolled oats (not the quick ones; use the old-fashioned kind)
1 cup sliced/slivered almonds
1 cup pecan pieces
1 1/2 cups flaked coconut
1/4 cup flax seed
1/4 cup oat bran (I didn't have any, so I used wheat germ)
2/3 cup brown sugar

Mix all this together in a really big bowl. Then, whisk together:

1/2 cup maple syrup (the real stuff; don't ruin your palate with that fake corn-syrup nonsense.)
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon salt

and pour over the oat mixture in the big bowl. Toss around until it's all nicely coated. Spread evenly on 3 cookie sheets (make sure they have sides). Bake at 250° for an hour, stirring every 15 minutes.

I also put raisins in mine, but that's optional. You can substitute for a lot of the things in the recipe, so if you can't get a certain thing, just try something else. It's amazing.

Yogurt recipe coming soon!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shopping Adventures

Today we went shopping with the Artist and her friend Kim. What's really cool about Kim is she can do the whole Hannah Montana dance from the movie. Oh yes. And she's 18...or maybe 19. Something like that. And incredibly secure about being able to do the Hannah Montana dance. Yes.

So we met halfway between the Artist's college and home, and shopped at a very cool mall there. We tried our hardest to talk the Mother Ship into getting something for herself, but she didn't. In the Artist's words, our mother is the worst shopper on the planet. Not because she buys bad things, but because she doesn't buy anything. *sigh* We tried.

So the Artist got a very cute bag, a shirt that looks like a picnic tablecloth (it looks good on her), and something else that I can't remember.

I got a really cute pair of earrings. I'd put up a picture, but blogger is being stupid and won't let me. Grr.

And in other news, I'm looking to replace my sad, old, Jurassic-era laptop before grad school, and I'm contemplating getting a Mac. I've had a PC forever, so I'm a little unsure. Plus the price difference is, sorta...huge. But I think I might be ready to try a computer that's not frustrating every single day. Just a thought. So what's your opinion? Mac or PC?

And now, I'm very very tired and trying not to be irritable, so I'm going to sleep. Have a lovely Sunday tomorrow.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Updates and such

What a lousy blogger I am. Oh well. It's on my to-do list. Anyway, we just finished up our first semester at school, and I'm having mixed feelings about it. I'm kind of glad it's over because I had two classes that were a real pain in the neck. But on the other hand, I've heard from everyone and their mother that one of the classes I have next semester is awful. I'm talking like the kid who got suspended for holding up a chair and threatening to throw it at some other students, another who is autistic (I have nothing against autistic kids, it's just that there are 28 other students in this class and I don't think I can really help the kid much), yet another who has been suspended ten days for fighting already this year...and the list marches on. It's gonna be a little on the rough side, methinks.

On the happy end of things, a couple of my students from the first semester are going to play at an open-mic night in town next week. Kids who never touched a guitar before my class. Doesn't that just make me feel like a good teacher, haha:)

And on the grad school end, things are looking good. I've been accepted, audition is over, and now I'm waiting to hear if I got a grad assistantship. I'm hoping...basically I'd get paid to go to school. And work, but you know. It's the principle of the thing. So in April I'm going to road trip it up with my friend Hope (she's going to the same school for her undergrad) and we're going to go visit classes and try to find a church and stuff. Fun fun fun! I still can't believe her parents AND mine think this is ok. And MY dad was the one who suggested it! Weird! If you're thinking that it's weird that I had to have permission here, it's because I live at home and drive my parents' car, so their house their rules is my philosophy.

And then in June I'm off to Teen Missions bootcamp and then Hong Kong! I'm super excited - I can't wait to get busy telling people about Jesus over there and hopefully helping teenagers grow in Christ.

Random side note: had an amazing phone convo with my BFFFF Amanda last night! I love that girl!

And that's all that's up in Leah-land! How are you? How's your life?


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blogger is the only thing on the ENTIRE internet that is not horribly difficult. I hate technology. I'll explain this later.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tennessee Trip, Part II

So that first Friday was Christmas. Our family doesn't celebrate Christmas, what with its origins being Catholic and farther back, pagan (originating at the tower of Babel, if you didn't know), so we didn't really care much. My brother-in-law's family usually gets together for a big dinner though, so we went and hung out with all of them. It's really weird...we used to be really close with all of them, but they don't make any effort at staying in touch, even when we do, so it's like we don't really know each other anymore. It's kind of sad. I feel like we kept growing up and our lives are going somewhere, and there, time just stands still. So they didn't. But they're ok with it so I guess it's alright. Anyway...this was a long rabbit trail.
Punkin', Sticky Bean and I stayed home from church on Sunday because Sticky Bean had some weird thing that gave him red spots (we had several theories, but never really figured it out), and I had a cold, so we decided not to give whatever we had to everyone else. Aaaaaand Punkin' taught me how to make homemade granola (recipe coming) and yogurt (recipe also coming), so we did that and cleaned the house. Worked a little on my skirt too. Fun times.
The next week, we cooked a lot, I washed dishes a lot, and read some good books, went to get milk from one of the Amish families, finished my skirt, and just enjoyed being together. I just love visiting my sister. She always listens well and gives me good advice about stuff, and doesn't treat me like I'm stupid. Which leads me to my next point. I really really really HATE when people talk to me like I'm stupid. You know, that patronizing, a-little-too-patient voice they use for two-year-olds and puppies. I. CAN. NOT. STAND. THAT. And there is a person in my life right now, who shall remain nameless, that uses that tone with me all the time, and it really just makes me want to smack said unnamed person. *sigh* I'm done with that now. I just needed to get that out.
Okay. About my brother-in-law, who I call LoggerDave on this here blog thingie. He's pretty cool. I like him a lot. He just loves my sister so much, and loves their son, and I think he's pretty great. I'd be ok marrying someone like him. I just really think a lot of him. He works really hard and loves Jesus. Those are the important parts, anyway:)
So then we came home, and now we're back to our normal, lame lives. Haha:) Not really lame, just a little less fun. I still enjoy teaching, and the ITRT at my school finally got my SMART board working (YAY!!) so that's making things easier and more interesting in the general music classes I teach. Our semesters are about to change over, so I'll get new students in those classes in a little over a week. I'm a little nervous about that because I have one class with TWENTY NINE students in it. Yes. Really. I told the guidance counselors if they put another kid in that class, I better get an aide. (It's the law...they'd have to give me one) Really though I almost cried when I saw that. You've got to be kidding me!! was my first thought. I'll get through it somehow...

P.S. Superbowl predictions (not that my opinion matters): Colts and Jets.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Tennessee Trip

Alrighty then! Here's the scoop on what happened for the last, oh three and a half weeks that I haven't blogged. What a lousy blogger...sad day. Anyway. On December 21st Moose and I flew out to visit our older sister (Punkin') in southwest Tennessee. We were praying the whole three days beforehand though, because it snowed MAJOR LEAGUE right before we left. But God had mercy on us and our cabin fever, and helped us get a vehicle out to get to the airport. And only one flight was slightly delayed. Not bad at all:) We arrived in TN and found our lovely sister, as well as the Artist, who had driven up from Texas with her BFF after BFF Noelle's college graduation (we're a busy bunch). We stopped at Chipotle for dinner like any good Christian family, and I promptly did something stupid - got all the way through the line to the register to pay for my dinner, and realized that I had left my wallet in the van. Awesome. So I asked Moose to go out and get it, but being a male, the poor man-child had no idea where I had put it, so he was...struggling...shall we say. Well the nice Mexican either took pity on me or wanted my numero de telefono, and gave me my dinner free, with a simple "I took care of it for you." :) Gracias. Then we went to Punkin's house, with her adorable yet noisy son screaming the whole hour and a half. Yesssss.
Keep in mind that we have many casual friends in this area, since we used to live there, and they all expect us to treat them like family and spend three nights at their house plus every waking second. And I just really wanted to see my sister. So I't tell anyone else I was coming. Heheheh. So we spent a couple of days just hanging out with Punkin', making skirts (Moose didn't make one...what a spoilsport), cooking good food, and generally being really Betty Crocker-ish. Good times. Then at some point her in-laws (some of the treat-us-like-family-even-though-we're-not crowd) found out we were there and started wanting us to go everywhere with them. Which we kindly refused. Because we just plain didn't feel like it.
So this is the first part...more to come later:)

I can't write yet...maybe next week. I have a month's worth of stuff to write about though. So it's coming.
