Thursday, March 10, 2011

Conversations and dreams

Yesterday a boy and I had this conversation, (which started with me explaining something that happened on HSA, and more or less paralleled the HSA convo, which is a little weird):
Boy:  . . . in general, you know, you really should take the Bible in a less serious way.
Me: Are you kidding me? That book is the difference between eternity in Heaven or Hell. I will NEVER take it less seriously.
 (At this point another person told me I was overreacting.)
Boy: Well don't take what I said out of context . . .
Me, thinking, and trying not to call him an idiot: In what context is it ok to tell a person to take the Bible less seriously?
Me, speaking: Ok well, maybe it's just a quirk I have, you know, taking the Bible seriously. Don't mind me, I was homeschooled.
What in the world? Take the Bible less seriously? Are you for real? What is wrong with people these days?
In other news:
1. The freckle collection is growing. Huzzah.
2. White Glove is this weekend. This is the one weekend a semester when I really wish I had a roommate, haha:) The details they expect for this thing are crazy - like we have to dust the tops of the door hinges. Yes, I'm serious.
3. I am growing flowers in my room. They're just marigolds, but still. They make me happy:) And I rooted a plant at work and I'm planting that too. Maybe having plants in my room will help clean the gross, mold-infested air in my room, whaddaya think?
4. I'm kind of tired of rain. But I know we need it. It's a love-hate relationship.
5. I had a dream last night that I went to Ecuador with Teen Missions. I feel like this is a premonition or something. I have no desire to go to South or Central America - big snakes, big spiders, and other big creepy-crawleys. Not my idea of a good time. Then again, I never had any desire to go to Asia, and that's where I went last summer. If there's one thing I've learned, it is to NEVER tell God I'm never going to do something. He laughs and makes me do it anyway. It slipped out the other night - I was talking to a friend and said "I'm never going to Africa." And I immediately caught myself and said out loud, "I'm sorry Lord! I didn't mean it!" Haha! *sigh* so I'll let you know when I'm going, haha. He always makes me do the things I say I'm not going to do. If I DID, it would most likely be with Teen Missions, and I'd most likely either take a work team or a footwashing team. Or maybe Orphan Angels (dirtbikes into remote areas taking the gospel to the AIDS orphans. So hardcore) but I don't know. I'm not tough enough for a backpack team and I know it. The people who do those are BEAST. No joke.
6. I do not enjoy working out. "The flesh, it burns!" Ha. But it's good for me, AND, it's nice to know that I will look great for all these weddings I'm going to:) Plus it's a great stress reliever and we all know stress kills. And causes sublaxations in the spine (see Uncle Jared? I HAVE been listening!). Not good. But "exercise makes endorphins, and endorphins make you happy. And happy people just don't kill their husbands. They just don't." (Legally Blond reference. Sorry.)
7. The end.

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