This week I have been on a "media fast" at the request of Dr. Jones. He asked the student body to stay off facebook, blogs, movies, news, and any other media sources for one week to sort of refocus on the right things. So I tried it. I've found that I can get a lot more homework done without facebook around :) And my room is cleaner than normal also. Lesson learned: I spend too much time online when I really could be making my life easier by getting homework and cleaning done. I might start limiting my time on there a bit. It's all part of that "being a good steward" thing that I'm working on in my life.
On Friday I went to see my Bible professor - the one who told our class "You can't just go by what it says in English." I asked him a bunch of questions, since we've been learning all about how we have a sinful nature in class. You know why we have one? Because God imputes Adam's sin to us. Yes, that's right, a just God is holding me accountable for a sin I didn't commit. How that jives with Him being just I do not know. *eyeroll* Anyway, my professor explained how he thinks we got that sinful nature, and I did a lot of listening. I'm more convinced now than ever that there is no such thing as a sin nature, or inherited sin, or any of that nonsense. One thing I will say for my prof is that he was consistent - he did admit that you can't say babies who die go to heaven if we really do have a sin nature.
Next weekend is the music educator's conference, which I'm sure will be an absolute ball:) And then the Tuesday after that is the first Artist Series of the semester - the Philharmonic of Poland. They're really good and I'm pretty pumped for that.
In other news, First Daughter is about the cutest movie since You've Got Mail. You've Got Mail MIGHT be my favorite movie ever. But First Daughter is up there. Katie Holmes was actually pretty natural in that one. Even if she was way too old to be playing an 18-year-old. What's your favorite movie?