Well, they're a little out of order. Oh well. This is Sticky Bean with Uncle Jim.

Punkin' and me!

We were sleeping all over the house...23 people total!

Believe it or not, this isn't even the turkey coma. We just like to sleep. This one is Moose and the Artist.

Lord of the Rings Monopoly, anyone? I wiped the floor with everyone the first game, and Moose ruled round 2.

This is Drat! It's a fast-paced glorified Solitaire game. It's amazing. If you've played Nerts, this is Nerts without a partner, essentially.

The Artist with cousins Anna and Kate. Aren't they lovely?

Sticky Bean with his Grammy!

And with Papaw...

And with his great-grandma...

And with Aunt Abbie...(are you sensing that we love this baby?)

Cheesecake! And not that solid, southern garbage, but light, fluffy, REAL New Jersey cheesecake. Stella's cheesecake. I'll tell you about Stella some other time.

Anna helping set out the fudge (Moose actually helped me make it...it's a man's work, let me tell you!

The Artist making apple pies (they were delish!)

Uncle Jim frying turkeys. Please just fry your turkeys once. You'll never want baked turkey again.

Look at that amazing food! Aren't you thankful that God not only provides, but LOADS us up with blessings? God is good, all the time.

Now, you have to understand that at our house for Thanksgiving, we do something called Pig Pie. Yes, capitalized. It means you have a small slice of every kind of pie. Apple, pumpkin, cherry, and cheesecake, with a piece of fudge, of course. Why choose? Pig Pie, friends.

Abbie, graciously helping Moose refrain from slipping into turkey coma. What a sister.
Another tradition which somehow never gets photographed is one that Padre started a few years back. The women cook all that food, you see, and wash our own dishes while we're doing it. And we clean the house, and it gets to be a lot of work. So Padre decided that the men would wash the dishes after Thanksgiving dinner. Oh yeah. Talk about mega brownie points with the ladies. So I made his favorite - real rye bread. Because he washed the dishes from it :D
It's been a lovely holiday, and I've really enjoyed having FIVE WHOLE DAYS off of school. YAY. And now it's only three weeks till I go to spend Christmas break with Punkin' and LoggerDave! I'm excited. :)
Aaaabadeeabadeeaba...that's all folks!
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