Sunday, February 27, 2011

Today my padre referred to me as an adult while we were on the phone. I cannot tell you how big of a deal that is for him. I feel like we are making progress.


Bring on the freckles.

I do not tan. I burn and then go back to pale, plus a few million more freckles every time. But! I figure if I get enough freckles it will LOOK like I'm tan! So I am off to the sunroof (which is the roof of one of the ladies' dorms here) to work on my freckle collection:) Woo:)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blogging about nothing

Doesn't that make you want to read this post now? :/

     Basically nothing exciting is happening in my life, but that's ok with me because exciting usually = expensive and I'm not a fan of expensive. I have a cold again. I think the next time a sick person comes near me I will run away screaming. So not worth it to get sick. And I have two tests tomorrow that I'm really sick of studying for.
     My room needs to be cleaned. After the tests tomorrow it will happen. Except the vacuum always makes my room smell funny. Meh. Also tomorrow, I will be going to the payroll office to find out why my paycheck suddenly dropped $15. And getting tickets for me and Hope to see the opera - it's Faust and I am pumped for that. It's such a twisted, dark, interesting story. Also! The spring play is Pride and Prejudice! I am so excited!
     I realized today what a crazy idea it is for me and my younger sister to move to Texas. Not bad crazy, just crazy. We will be 12 hours from the nearest family member, which will be our other sister. We would have to fly to see our parents. That is crazy. AND! She isn't going to graduate till December 2012, which means I will be there for a whole semester all by me onesie! Scary much?! I think I might ask someone to come stay with me that semester or something. One of my bum friends with no life haha:) Living totally by myself sort of freaks me out. Although I have quite a few teacher friends who do it and love it. We shall see. I need a job first though so let's get crackin' praying about that.
     I have nothing else to say. And I should probably go study more. *gag* C'est la vie, I suppose.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Bible study notes, week 1.

     So about two weeks ago some friends and I started a Bible study on Sunday nights. We're studying through a Sam Gipp book called The Answer Book, which has 62 questions (and their scriptural and historical answers, obviously:D) about the King James Bible. We're also going through another book called Why the KJV is the Perfect Word of God but I don't remember who wrote that. It might be the same guy. It is just fascinating. I had been raised to be KJV-only, but no one ever explained why. Which is probably why people my age (in general) think the KJV is antiquated and silly. No one ever explained the "why" of the issue. So I am studying it out, with a couple other friends:) We read a chapter and look up/read the Scripture he references along the way. Here's a little of what we learned last night.
     The Answer Book:
Q: Shouldn't we be loyal only to the original manuscripts?
A: Only have as much respect for the originals as God does.
     Sounds reasonable, right? After all, our goal IS to be like Christ. But the thing is, God doesn't really care that much about the originals. Here's how we know. 1) When the 10 Commandments were written down in the Hebrew manuscript, they were not the originals! The originals were on the stone tablets that Moses broke in his little temper tantrum coming down off Mount Sinai. And then God made more, and Moses copied the words from those tablets into the Hebrew scroll. So are the 10 Commandments inspired or not? If you hold that only the true originals were inspired, the 10 Commandments in the original Hebrew text are not inspired. If that doesn't make you stop and go "Hm." I don't know what will. 2) In Jeremiah 36, God orchestrates (as in it was in His plan) the destruction of an "original" text which we had in the "original" OT manuscripts. In fact, the "original" was destroyed, Jeremiah wrote (penned, actually, since God wrote it) a second one, which was also destroyed, and then penned a third one, which is now Jeremiah 45-51. So even the "originals" weren't really the originals. So is Jeremiah 45-51 not inspired in the original manuscripts, then? Or is it possible that copies are also inspired?
     Why the KJV is the Perfect Word of God: Some people say that only the real originals were inspired and that copies, translations, etc. have errors and are not inspired. That is a lie. Of all the references in the Bible to "scripture" or "the word of the Lord" or "the word of God," not a single one refers to the originals. For something as important as God's word, wouldn't He have put something that significant in the Bible? It's obvious that God doesn't think a lot of the "originals." Otherwise we'd have them. But we don't. And if you don't believe in inspired translations, read II Kings chapter 6.
     Some may say that the actual words are not important in translation, but just the thought behind them, or the main idea. The glaringly obvious problem with this is that ideas and thoughts are expressed in words. The "words are not important-just the main idea" train of thoughtis called "dramatic equivalents." Every single word is important - this is called "formal equivalents." The KJV translators believed strongly in formal equivalents, and faithfully translated every word.
     The word of God is perfect and pure - we cannot do anything to it to improve it or make it clearer.
     "It is certainly not precarious in that it does not leave us at the mercy of our vindictive opponents. For believing in the perfection of a Book which we can hold in our hands is surely not as vulnerable as a professed faith in the perfection of some lost originals.
     The reason most critics are so vehement about the infallibility of the originals is because they know that the originals can NEVER be produced, so their faith can never be tried or upended." 
     - Sam Gipp, Th. D.
And our memory work for this week: II Tim. 3:16-17, Matt 22:27, 29 (definition of Scripture), Matt. 4:4, John 6:63, John 17:8.
Now. Feel free to comment if you can act like an adult. This is my blog and I am its dictator, meaning I reserve the right to delete your comments if you are being a twit. 

Thanks for reading:)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I am writing THE most depressing paper in the history of papers. I need to come up with a way to make it end well so the teacher doesn't cry after he reads it. It's bad.

In other news, I got this super cute tank top at Ross last night for $8. Highly exciting. Sorry about the MySpace vibe going on there with the picture.

That is all.


Saturday, February 19, 2011


Today is going to be THE most gorgeous day ever. 70 degrees and sunny. MMM. I am so happy I get to wear flip-flops today! I can't wear them the rest of the week because I have to wear those stupid stockings. I still say that if Dr. Jones had to wear them it wouldn't be a rule. I might email him and ask him to wear them just one time so he understands the misery the women are in here. Anyway, I'm going to go downtown to the park with some of my friends today and we are going to do homework out in the sunshine. I am so happy about that. Not really the homework part, but the doing it outside part. Pumped.

And! I am going to do something really funny and exciting on Tuesday but I'm not allowed to say what it is until then! So I will try to get someone to take a video for me! It's going to be awesome is all I can say!

Can you tell this weather is making me happy? I write with all exclamation marks :D


Thursday, February 17, 2011

That is just weird.

So I just found out through a friend that my freshman year RA (who was only 2 years older than me) is engaged to the choir director at JMU. Who is like 20 years older than her. First of all, he was HER professor and that is just messed up because apparently they dated while she was in his choir! Yuck! And now they are getting married and he is old enough to be her father! Sick people!

That is all.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wanted: Marriage

     A while back I watched (the new version of) Pride and Prejudice. It is seriously one of my favorite movies. I know, typical woman. Deal with it. But at the end of the movie they did this interview with a historian about that time period, and she said something kind of interesting. She said that back then the most culturally acceptable thing for a young woman to do was act like she didn't want a husband at all, when in fact she really did. A LOT. And that got me thinking. It's actually the same way now. It is so not acceptable to act like you want to get married - people will call you "desperate." But didn't God create us to want that? Reread Genesis chapter 2 if you don't think so. So why is acting like we're made the way God really made us "desperate?" And it's worse for women (IMO) because we're not "supposed" to initiate anything, but of course we really want to get married, so what's a girl to do? Especially when men are lying down on the job where leadership is concerned!
     So here's what I think. I think God values marriage. Scratch that, I know God values marriage. I think he roots for us to get together, and sometimes even orchestrates it himself. I think God created men to be the initiators. And I am not going to pretend I don't want to get married in that 1882 kind of way anymore. I do, actually. But I want someone who can lead me. I'm not talking about the super-commanding, always-in-charge, I-am-leader-hear-me-roar type of guy, I just mean someone who knows who he is, knows his God, and is willing to lead our family. And homeschool. And read the KJV. And preferably is taller than me. :)

**side note: I have heard men complain about women "pushing" in relationships. If you guys aren't going to step it up and lead, don't complain when the women do so. I don't condone that, but come on.**

     So enough with the "desperate" accusations already. Marriage is awesome, from what I've heard, so why wouldn't we want it? Let's just be honest. I'll start. How's that?


Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh physical exertion, how I loathe thee. But thou art scriptural.

     I don't really enjoy exercise. I mean, I love to go hiking, ultimate frisbee is fun, and the occasional Pilates class doesn't bother me, but regular exercise . . . meh. It's ok. I'd just as soon not do it. But it really is unhealthy to not exercise, especially when you do as much sitting as I do for work, classes, and homework. So I'm making myself exercise. I started back this week from . . . well we won't talk about how long it's been. Right now I'm doing 30 minutes of cardio broken up halfway through with some light weights. The real reason it's broken up is I'm too pathetic and out of shape to just get on the stinkin' elliptical for 30 minutes. Unless I put the resistance at 1 which is pointless. So I do two sets, with light weights in between, and then stretch. I'm allowed to use my iPod because I'm staff which makes the time go WAY faster.
     But! You know what I discovered? It's scriptural for girls to exercise! True story! Proverbs 31:17 says "She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms." Most people I've heard try to make that some sort of spiritual thing like how she has this "inner strength" that just "shines through" or some silly thing. But if you look at what it actually SAYS, it's not that at all! It says she "girdeth her loins with strength." That means she wraps herself in it. Now I think typically wrapping goes on the outside of something. But I was homeschooled and I'm weird like that. Pardon me while I just believe what the Bible says. *ahem* And then it says "she strengtheneth her arms." The arms are getting strengthened. Not her "inner person." Her arms. So! Exercise is scriptural! Isn't that interesting? And this is in the "virtuous woman" passage, and in another place (also in Proverbs) it says "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband." Meaning! That exercising and staying in shape is part of being a crown to your husband! I love how practical God is.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Learning to be gracious

Being gracious is not something that comes naturally to me. I'd rather just tell someone to straighten up. Although I think we need more of that these days. But from the men. But anyway, I've been challenged to be more gracious. The Bible says that "A gracious woman retaineth honour." (Prov. 11:16) And God says several times that he is gracious. And somehow I find myself wanting to be like him:) But I feel like the Lord is teaching me to be gracious. My Bible professor is kind of an idiot and doesn't actually believe the Bible, so not calling him a moron in class is an exercise in being gracious. Some of the undergrads cop an attitude when I ask them to change what they're wearing or sit more than half an inch from their BF/GF, and explaining why I'm asking them to do something instead of smacking the little twits is definitely an exercise in being gracious. It's a good thing for me to be learning. What are you learning from the Lord these days?


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Artist Series

Last night was Artist Series, and the program was a concert by the Philharmonic of Poland. The orchestra was quite good. The conductor wasn't very clear, and I think the orchestra would be absolutely mind-blowing if he would just give a clear ictus and make them stick to it. Like he would give the downbeat and be halfway to his next prep beat before they played. What . . . ? Dr. McCashin would have had a SERIOUS hissy fit if we had ever done that. But I liked them anyway:) They had a solist with them . . . Marta somethingorother with 72 consonants in her last name like any good Slavic person. She was 19. Yes, 19. She played the Wieniawski second violin concerto (I think it's the D minor one) with the orchestra and it was STUNNING. I love that concerto anyway, but she really did play so well. And she's only been playing violin for 12 years! Crazy! Just goes to show what you can do if you've got a great teacher. It was gorgeous. I'll even forgive them for playing Mozart (it was his op. 39 Eb symphony, so it wasn't AS bad as it could have been) in the first half, since they played the Wieniawski in the second half. :)
     This weekend I have quite a lot of homework and studying to do, as usual, and on Monday I'm chaperoning a freshman double date off campus. I'm not sure why I thought that would be a fun thing to do. Oh yeah. I didn't. I'm just doing it because I like these kids. Right. And they can't go if I don't go, and I don't want to make them stay on campus on their first Valentine's Day together. How mean would that be. So we're going. And I get a free dinner out of it, so what's not to love about that? :D 
     My mom always says Valentine's Day is an excuse for unthankful women to guilt-trip their husbands into buying them jewelry. Not cynical at all:) She also always says that she'd rather have a husband she knows is faithful, like my dad, than all the diamonds in the world. I have to agree with her there! What do you think of Valentine's Day?

Monday, February 7, 2011

The weekend.

This past week I was working late and trying to get a bunch of homework done because I was going to CharlestonFriday morning I got up at an ungodly hour of the morning, finished packing my little bags, and went to Charleston with three friends to the SCMEA conference. That's the South Carolina Music Educator's Association conference, for you non-music ed people. It was just tons of funOn Friday I went to a couple sessions, on everything from non-verbal communication to starting an orchestra program at a brand-new school. Friday night we all went out for dinner at Red Lobster (a serious splurge for this girl) and then over to one of my professor's hotel suites. He won 4 days in thepresidential suite at some super ritzy hotel last year, so he used it for a vacation with his wife this year:) So he invited all of us (which included 5 or 6 undergrad music ed majors) over and we ate more food and played Signs. If you've never played Signs, you really should. It is hysterical.     
     So anyway, we were up way too late (which the undergrads thought was really cool, it being past their curfew, haha), and dragged our pathetic selves out of bed the next morning for more sessions. I went to one on teaching general music, one on beginning string players, and one on classroom management. It was lovely. Over our lunch break we went to an outlet mall, which is where I found my awesome jacket:) (see previous post!)
     After two afternoon sessions, we skipped out and came "home" to school. I didn't feel very well on account of low blood sugar and too little sleep. So I made myself work on homework for a couple hours and then went to bed at 9:30. AMAZING. Best idea ever. *pats self on the back*
     It was a lovely weekend, and it was really nice to wear pants for two days:)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

This is very exciting.

I have wanted a NorthFace jacket for YEARS. Literally, years. But they're so flipping expensive! Like over $100! And this little white girl is not paying that much for a jacket. Unless it makes my breakfast in the morning for me too. So anyway, I have been eBay stalking for ages and haven't been able to find one, but today I found one just like it (only a different brand, obviously) at Eddie Bauer for $35!!! YAY!!! Good things come to those who wait!!

(real blog about Charleston coming soon to a computer near you.)


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One of my favorite things

is this here Bible.

Not that exact one. I googled an image for that one. :D But my Bible is almost that worn out and falling apart. And it's also a KJV.  :)

What's one of your favorite things?


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wisdom from Tea

     So I love herbal tea. I know. I'm such a hippie. But today my throat was kind of scratchy and I'm paranoid about getting sick because everyone here is getting the REAL flu. Not the stomach virus that they all say is the flu, but the real, out-of-commission-for-two-weeks flu. So I may or may not have had four cups of tea by 3:00 today. This tea is the Traditional Medicinals Organic Throat Coat tea, and it is delish. So as I was drinking one of the many cups of tea I had today, I noticed the little tag thingie on the tea bag said, "The choices you make can change the world." Huh. Isn't that interesting. And then I started thinking about it. What if we lived like that? What if we really lived like the choices we make will change the world? What if you encouraged that moody teenager to do something great - and then she did? What if you invited that jerk of a guy to have lunch with you and asked him what God is doing in his life? What if that started him down the road to being a preacher? What if you took dinner to that young mom with four little kids one night, just to help her out? What if that saved her some stress and helped her marriage? What if the choices you make really did change the world - or just one person's world? Would you do it? Would you quit making excuses and try?
Just a thought. All from herbal tea. :)