I've never been very good at keeping up with stuff like this, so the fact that I got to 100 posts on here is pretty impressive, haha. Here are some things I'm thankful (or more thankful than I was before!) for since I started this blog.
1. The grace of God giving me second chances. And third chances, and fourth. And fifth. Etc.
2. My relationship with my family members improving. See #1:)
3. The chance to grow in the Lord every day.
4. The love of God.
5. My mom being such a good example.
6. Learning to cook better than I did last year.
7. A job I actually don't hate. First time in my life this happened. I mean it's really hard, and sometimes I do a better job than others, but in general I enjoy all of my classes except one, and five out of six isn't bad.
8. Music.
9. Getting a grad assistantship so I won't be in debt when I'm done with my master's degree.
10. My hands healing from MASSIVE tendinitis/carpal tunnel syndrome.
11. Being able to study and play violin.
12. A sister who is a genius with health/homeopathic healing.
13. My adorable nephew.
14. Precious friends, who encourage me and push me to be better than I am.
15. Hope for the future.
What are you thankful for?